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Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease Or Flu Arabic, Recognize Symptoms And Prevention

- 11:03 PM

Corona viruses Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) is one type of virus that attacks the respiratory organs of people who have it which is kind of a respiratory disease that can lead to death. Mers - Cov is an abbreviation of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Virus Corona. This virus is a new kind of group Corona virus (Novel Corona Virus).

This virus was first reported in September 2012 in Saudi Arabia, the SARS virus in 2003 were also the Corona virus and can cause severe pneumonia but different from the virus Mers Cov. Information obtained from the website of the Ministry of Health www.depkes.go.id bahwasannya proclaim this virus is different from other coronavirus had been found previously.

So that the corona virus study group of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses decided that the novel corona virus was named as Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, the virus is not the same as the corona virus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), but similar to the corona virus found in bats.

Clinical manifestations

Some of the symptoms caused by a coronavirus mers are fever, cough, shortness of breath short, and the emergence of pneumonia in some cases. Mers is one form of coronavirus is still mysterious. Until now, researchers are still figuring out how this new coronavirus can infect humans.
Most people infected with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus develop into severe respiratory illness with symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Approximately half of patients die. The majority of patients reported suffering from respiratory diseases moderate levels.
Early symptoms are similar to flu-like and may include: fever, myalgia, lethargy, gastrointestinal symptoms, cough, sore throat and other non-specific symptoms. The only symptom that is common to all patients with a fever above 38 ° C (100.4 ° F). Shortness of breath may occur kemudian.Gejala usually appear 2-10 days after exposure, but up to 13 days has also been reported. In most cases the symptoms usually appear between 2-3 days. Approximately 10-20% of cases require mechanical ventilation.
Initially physical signs are not so visible and may not exist. Some patients will experience tachypnea and crackle on auscultation. Then, tachypnea and lethargy apparent.
Corona Virus deployment

Until now, the investigation is still underway regarding the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus transmission pattern, because it has found the existence of human-to-human transmission of mutual close contact with the patient. Transmission from infected patients to health workers who care also observed. In addition, a cluster of cases of infection Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Kingdom, France, Tunisia, and Italy also diinvestigas
Recent data from the CDC shows that Mers could prove to be transmitted between humans. Even so, it seems that this disease can not be spread very quickly like SARS in 2003. The virus Mers kept getting tighter supervision of experts in case if the virus is evolving into an increasingly dangerous threat.
Because of the widespread distribution since April 2012 until early 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning since last May to be wary of the threat spread.
Researchers do not know exactly how Mers virus is transmitted to humans, but the virus has been found in bats and camels. Experts say camels likely to be an animal carrier, who then pass it to humans.
Unclear origin of this virus spreads, however, some researchers speculate that the spread of the virus came from one of the many types of bats are found in the Middle East region.
Camel almost certainly be the source of the corona virus mers in the Middle East. The results of research in the country showed mostly camel, though not all, infected with the virus types that were genetically almost identical to viruses that infect humans. This research was conducted by a team from Columbia University, University of King Saud, and Ecohealth Alliance.
The disease was initially believed to have moved from camels to humans, the first time seems to spread through close contact with animals. But lately, health workers who care for patients Mers also fallen ill with the virus.
The conclusion reached after the researchers found a genetic match 100 percent of the viruses that infect the kind bat first infected humans.
Another speculation are among the researchers said that besides Bats, Camel also allegedly related to the origin and spread of the Corona virus, which is found antibodies against this virus in the animal body typical of the Middle East.
Corona virus deployment mechanism from animals to humans are still being studied to date, although there is a suspicion that the first humans who are infected may have inadvertently inhaling dust dried feces of infected bats.
Currently, researchers are still investigating the possibility of other animals who become mediators Corona virus transmission in order to deal with the spread of this disease, given that this type of virus is said to be more easily transmitted between humans by the impact of a more deadly than SARS.

Until now there is no specific vaccine can prevent infection Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. In addition, no match is found specific treatment method can cure diseases caused by the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Medical treatment is merely supportive to relieve the symptoms.
Treatment of patients with SARS usually done in a hospital intensive care, especially if there is shortness of breath. Patients will be placed in the isolation room so as not to spread the virus to everywhere.
Patients who are suspected to be isolated, preferably in negative pressure rooms, with complete safety costume for any necessary contact with the patient.
Antibiotics still not effective. Treatment is still dependent on the anti-pyretic, supplemental oxygen and ventilatory support.
The use of steroids and the antiviral drug ribavirin, but there is no evidence to support this therapy. Now many interpreters clinics ribavirin suspect is not good for health.
Scientists are trying all antiviral drugs for other diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis, influenza and other coronavirus.
There is a benefit from the use of steroids and other immune systemmodulating agent in the treatment of patients with severe because some evidence suggests most of the serious damage caused by an overreaction by the immune system against the virus. Research is continuing in this area.

People still can take a trip or a visit to the countries Arabian Peninsula and surrounding areas, since the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States will not issue a travel warning about the health of the countries associated with the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. However, things that need to be anticipated by the people who will travel to these countries, that is if there is a fever and symptoms in the lower respiratory tract, such as: coughing, or shortness of breath within 14 days after the trip, immediately consult a physician ,
No specific vaccine that can prevent this disease.
Prevention remains can be done by strengthening the body's immunity.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and dispose of the tissue immediately into the trash.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with the patient, using masks, hand hygiene with frequent hand washing with soap and applying cough etiquette when sick.
Use a mask and keep the body and environmental sanitation. When it is necessary for patients with chronic disease, in a crowd of people, the body does not fit, and others use a mask.
Isolation and quarantine may be done to prevent the spread of disease Mers-CoV.
Avoid traveling or taking public transportation, but if forced then do not close the windows or doors.
Avoid public places and crowded, especially in the area near the hospital, internet cafe, hangout places, theaters, and libraries, if you do then wear a mask and wash your hands clean and orderly.
Avoid visiting patients and see a doctor at the hospital, specifically those patients Mers. Avoid close contact with people who are ill, for example, kissing or use utensils or drinking together.
Wash hands with soap and avoid touching the mouth, nose, and eyes with her bare hands.
Keep hendalah nutritional balance diet and exercise regularly to improve our immune system.
Children whose immune systems are weakened should wear a mask all the time for avoiding the spread of body fluids such as saliva / saliva.
Check your body temperature regularly and keep careful with your health condition.
Keeping the air circulation in the room.
Diligent diligent Handwashing. If hands are not visibly dirty-looking use of antiseptic.
Clean using a disinfectant to clean items that are often touched. Use bleach (bleach) available on the market (with a chemical content of 8-12%). This is the cheapest and most effective way of deadly germs. Preparation: Wear waterproof gloves, Mix bleach with water to measure 1: 100 (bleach / bleach: water / water). Wipe places that are often passed people on a regular basis and during the spread of the virus, the better wipe / basmilah germ your home every day.
As long as we keep ourselves, wearing masks and washing hands regularly, followed by instruction quarantine then we all can avoid infection. Need not be too panic or discriminate against a suspect or patient. Not everyone is a carrier of the virus, with more mengaja yourself means you have given tremendous support to the patients to recover more quickly and increase the immune system.
Adhere to the practice - the practice of food safety such as avoiding meat is not cooked or supply of food with good sanitary conditions, washing fruits and vegetables properly.
Avoid unnecessary contact with animals - farmed animals, pets and wild animals.
Assembly which again must be given advice that if they experience acute respiratory tract illness with fever and cough (quite disturbing daily activities) in the period of 2 weeks (14 days) after return to immediately seek treatment and inform local health authorities.
People - people in close contact with the pilgrims or travelers who develop symptoms - signs of acute respiratory illness with fever and cough (so it is quite disturbing daily activities - day), it is advisable to report to the local health authorities in order to obtain monitoring MersCoV by bringing alerts health card distributed when it is above the conveyance or when arriving at the airport of arrival.
If there are complaints or symptoms as mentioned above immediately contact health personnel, both during in Saudi Arabia as well as up to 2 weeks after to Indonesia.
Although vaksn undiscovered teapi new hope when In a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine discovered two antibodies, ie Mers-4 and Mers-27, which is capable of blocking the cells in a laboratory dish infected Mers. This is the beginning. This result suggests that antibodies, especially in combination, may be a promising candidate for intervention against Mers. Researchers have found have found some neutralizing antibodies capable of preventing a key part of the virus to attach to a carrier and infect cells of the human body. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system to recognize foreign viruses and bacteria. Neutralizing antibody is one that not only recognize but also to prevent certain viruses infect host cells, which means no infection of people or animals.

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