The outer skin is the human body's defense against disease-causing germs. That's why the skin must be maintained health. Unfortunately, there are still many people who visit a dermatologist or skin doctor just for cosmetic reasons. Some even feel embarrassed to check their skin problems and chose to perform perfunctory treatment.
In fact, some skin problems seem trivial can be a symptom of a more serious disease. Leave it alone it can cause complications increasingly difficult to handle. Do not be ashamed to consult a doctor. If there was not a serious illness, you can breathe easily because it has received no reply.
Be sure to check into dermatological if found the following signs and symptoms:1. Actinic keratosis
Actinic keratosis is a skin condition in which feels rough, red, and scaly as a result of excessive sun exposure. A disease which is also known as solar keratosis is commonly found on the face, lips, ears, back of hands, forearms, scalp, and neck.
Keratoses are common in the elderly, but can also attack younger age. Keratosis is often overlooked because the symptoms are just a small point and new enlarges slowly after a few years. But do not underestimate this disease, because a small portion keratosis can develop into skin cancer. Immediately consult a doctor if they find these symptoms.
2. The mole is growing
Moles are generally not harmful as long as no change. However mole that changes shape, getting bigger, or have a different color from the other moles can be an indicator of melanoma skin cancer are highly lethal. Moreover, if the new moles appear after age 30, bleeding, itching, or pain. Visit a dermatologist to perform the examination. The faster identified, the more likely the disease can be completely cured.
3. The spots change
Not only moles, also recognize the typical signs in your body such as spots on the face and birthmarks. If there is a change in terms of both color and shape, or even new spots appear, consult a physician immediately. Freckles or moles that have a size of more than 6mm can be a symptom of melanoma.
4. Changes in skin color that is not normal
Do not underestimate if there is something different from your skin. If you encounter an abnormal color changes, see your doctor. Risk of skin cancer is higher owned white people and never did darkening of the skin through tanning and burning.
5. The wound that never healed
Lacerations and scarring that does not heal well, including signs that you should be aware. It is feared that these symptoms are signs of skin cancer which must be addressed. Psoriasis, seborrhea and chronic dandruff and callus in diabetics is also most appropriate when handled dermatologist.
5. Acne stubborn
Almost everyone has experienced problems with acne , especially when in puberty. This acne can generally be treated with products containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are sold freely on the market. However, if the acne is not improved or even not respond to treatment you give, you need to visit a doctor. Some stubborn acne needs to be handled with special care in order not to worsen.
7. The scars were too obvious
If you are seriously injured, ask for help on an expert to minimize scarring. Some of the products sold on the market can indeed soften mostly scar, but is less effective if the wound is too deep or even arise colloid. Leave it to a dermatologist to perform the most appropriate procedure for your injuries.
8. Itchy scalp
Itching of the scalp can be caused by dandruff or hair care product allergies. However you need to be careful if you start crusty scalp, thickening, and even bleed when scratched. There is a chance you are suffering from psoriasis. The itching may also be caused by staphylococcal infection. Symptoms are more severe, namely the scalp pus, swollen, and painful.
9. The rash and itching that is hard missing
There are many factors that can cause rashes and itching on the skin. including eczema and allergies. Visit your doctor to get the proper diagnosis and treatment. Maybe you actually allergic to beauty products you use. Doctors also can provide medication to relieve pain, irritation, itching uncontrollably, and scales that are difficult to disappear in patients with eczema.
10. Excessive sweating or dry skin
Hormonal changes can cause you to sweat more than normal or even skin becomes very dry.You'll want to be alert and to visit a doctor because these conditions may be a symptom of other diseases. Excessive sweating is one of the common symptoms experienced by people with diabetes, thyroid gland disorders, or infection. While dry skin can be caused by age.
nice info, thanks
nice info..thanks to share