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Examination importance Pregnancy

- 9:22 PM

Prenatal care is one crucial step towards a healthy pregnancy. Arguably prenatal care is something that must be done by pregnant women. Pregnancy tests can be done through the obstetrician or midwife with at least 4 times during a pregnancy examination at the age of pregnancy is first trimester, second trimester and twice in the third trimester of pregnancy, and even then if a normal pregnancy. But it's good prenatal care done once a month until the age of 6 months, twice a month at the age of 7-8 months and once a week when the tread 9 months of gestation.

Why prenatal care is so important that must be done by pregnant women? because in the examination conducted thorough monitoring both on the condition of the mother and unborn fetus. With antenatal care we can know the progress of the pregnancy, the level of a healthy pregnancy, the condition of the fetus, and even disease or abnormalities in the womb which is expected to be done early treatment.

The following is explained about what is being done in prenatal care, as the material of knowledge for pregnant women to lead a healthy pregnancy and a quality family.

Blood tests

Blood tests intended to determine the general health of pregnant women. Blood tests can also be done by checking the AFP (alpha fetoprotein). This examination aims to determine the possibility of spinal cord tract disorders and to detect the fetal brain. AFP levels are low indicating a possible down sindorm in the fetus. AFP inspection usually performed at about 15-20 weeks of gestation.

Foot examination

Conducted to determine the presence of swelling (edema) and the possibility of varicose veins. Swelling that occurs in the final weeks of pregnancy is normal, but excessive swelling indicates preeclampsia.

Examination of the stomach

Conducted to see the position of the top of the uterus, measuring the growth of the fetus, and know the position of the fetus. This examination should be performed routinely every time examination by a gynecologist or midwife.


Mengtahui done for the presence or absence of pregnancy, check whether there is a tumor, check the abnormal conditions in the pelvic cavity, diagnose ulcers or erosions in the mouth of the uterus, cervical mucus perform retrieval (pap smear), determine whether there is a disease of pregnancy, knowing the location of the fetus, and to knowing the size of the pelvis as the baby is born. This examination is usually done early in pregnancy.

Examination heartbeat

This examination is important to know whether the fetus is in good health and good. Permeriksaan heart rate is usually used Doopler technique so that pregnant women can listen to the heartbeat of the fetus.


Urine examination done to confirm pregnancy. In addition, checks are also carried out to determine kidney function pregnant women, the presence or absence of protein in the urine, and also determine blood sugar levels. Presence of protein in the urine lead to pre-eclampsia. While blood sugar levels can indicate whether pregnant women with diabetes mellitus or not.

Examination height

Height inspection is also done when the mother's first examination. Knowing the height is very important to know the size of the mother's pelvis. Knowing the size of the pelvis of pregnant women is very important to know whether labor can be performed normally or not. Because if it is known that the mother's height is considered too short, it is feared to have a narrow pelvis and also feared the delivery process can not be carried out normally, and this should be done by Caesarean. By knowing these things early, then pregnant women diaharapkan immediately prepare in terms of both material and mental to deal with cesarean delivery.

Examination of body weight

Weight inspection performed every time the pregnant woman examined implies, this is done to determine the weight gain, and whether weight gain experienced by including normal or not. Normal weight gain would be very good for the condition of the mother and fetus. Conversely, if the weight gain experienced is not normal, would pose a risk to the mother and fetus. For mothers understood that gaining weight is not normal, the doctor or midwife will give you advice that should be done so that women receive a normal weight gain.

Test torch (Toxoplasma rubella cytomegalovirus herpesimpleks)

Conducted to determine whether there is a parasitic infection such as TORCH in the body of pregnant women. TORCH infections usually cause the baby to be born with the condition of disability or death. TORCH examination carried out by analyzing the levels of imunogloblin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) in the blood serum of pregnant women. Both of these substances belong to the immune system. If there are foreign substances or germs that infect the body, then the body will produce IgG and IgM antibodies to protect the body. The extent of IgG and IgM in serum indicates the presence or absence of infection as well as the size of the infection. If the negative IgG results, meaning the infection occurred in the past and now is no longer active. If positive IgM results, meaning the infection is still ongoing active and pregnant women in need of treatment so that the infected fetus in the womb can be addressed so that the infection is not getting worse.

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