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Really Eat Raw Vegetables More Healthy?

- 12:02 AM

Many people think eating raw vegetables is more healthful because it is rich in nutrients than vegetables cooked or heated. Is this correct?
According to some nutritionists, not all vegetables are more nutritious when cooked. There are some vegetables that are even more healthful when cooked, such as tomatoes, spinach, carrots, asparagus, and mushrooms.
Nutritionist and senior lecturer in Applied Physiology, Birmingham City University Mel Wakeman reveals, tomatoes are heated can create increased levels of lycopene in it.
According to Wakeman, lycopene is believed to nourish the heart and has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Meanwhile, precisely cooked spinach is rich in oxalate that bind minerals in spinach such as iron and calcium.
Then cooked carrots are rich in carotenoids and cooked asparagus is known to increase the content of polyphenols. According to Wakeman, both of which have antioxidant properties that may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Wakeman explained, warming it can help release that binds minerals to be absorbed by the body and increases the content of phytochemicals that are beneficial to health. However, Wakeman suggested that the vegetables are not heated too long.
"Microwave and steaming will often help to maintain the nutritional content of vegetables instead of boiling. Eating a mixture of raw carrots and cooked well. "Wakeman said.
The same thing was said by Rui Hai Liu, a professor in the department of food science at Cornell University.
"Many say that the food is cooked foods have lower nutritional value than the fresh product, but it is not always true," said Rui who studied how heat affects food.
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