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6 Benefits of Strawberry Fruit for Your Health

- 10:33 PM
Andre Fillophy 2 months ago Benefits of FruitWho does not know the strawberries, where the fruit is sour and sweet taste is much preferred by almost all people, from children, teenagers, adults up to the parents. but can be eaten.
It also turned out to be processed into a variety of other specialties. Some processed foods of this strawberry fruit among others, namely juices, ice cream, jam and assorted delicious food preparations.
Here we will give some info menganai this strawberry fruit benefits, among which are as follows:
Diverse Benefits of Fruit Strawberry6 Benefits of Strawberry Fruit for Your HealthA variety of benefits for the health of strawberries
1. The benefits of strawberries as a cancer preventiveThe first benefits of strawberries the first is as an anti-cancer, because the fruit itself has many anti-oxidant content is quite high and could prevent free radical damage that is inside the body. To avoid one type of this deadly disease, the consumption of red fruit this one secra routine. See also: Recognize Tips and How To Prevent Cancer Early
2. The benefits of strawberries to treat acneStrawberry fruit is also useful for treating stubborn acne on the skin. Because some existing content dibuah such as vitamin C, salicylic acid and falvonoid serves to clear up acne and also reduce the levels of excess oil on the face. See also: How to Eliminate Acne Naturally
3. Helpful maintain healthy skinThe content of vitamin C and antioxidants present in the strawberry fruit is also useful to help prevent damage to the skin. Because these free radicals can damage the skin. But all that can be overcome by using strawberries. See also: Types of Natural Facial Skin Care Easy To Do At Home
4. Beneficial to maintain digestive healthBerikutnyan benefits strawberry fruit is to maintain digestive health. Because vitamin C is present in this fruit stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juices. So, when you have problems with your digestion, then you can consume the fruit of this one.
5. Beneficial for lowering cholesterolOther benefits of strawberries the other is to lower cholesterol because the strawberry is also rich in phyto-nutrients. Where these compounds also serves to lower the risk of disease kradisovaskular that inhibit the oxidation of low-density lip-protein.
6. Make your skin brighterDark skin color may be brighter when eating fruit that one inis ecara routine. This fruit contains a high content of vitamin C that can provide nutrients to your skin. The content of vitamin C is exactly what can make your skin brighter, healthier and more radiant.Related Article: Brighten Your Face Many Ways Whiten Skin Here It
Some benefits of strawberries that we have distributed to you, may be useful and you can make as a reference your health. Therefore, from now on not to lazy to consume strawberries.
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