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6 Causes of Breast Pain

- 12:08 AM

Breast is one part of a woman's body that must be considered health. At least there are six causes of breast pain. Anything?
1. Hormonal ImbalanceBreast pain occurs due to hormonal changes or imbalances in the body. Menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause are a common cause hormonal changes in women. Generally, breast pain can be caused by reduced estrogen in a woman's body.
2. Bra too tightWearing a bra is too tight can also cause pain in the breast. Due to a tight bra breast does not give space to breathe. Or it could be the problem occurs in women whose breasts are growing and it is not mengahuinya.
3. Do not use a bra during exerciseSome women prefer to not use a bra when at home, as well as during exercise at home. Yet this is the wrong way to exercise. Because without a bra, there is nothing to support the breasts when you do a variety of movements and it could be the cause of breast pain.
4. Caffeine excessAccording to reports Boldsky, caffeine addict women tend to feel pain in the breast. Because, basically, caffeine is not good for health, especially consumed in large quantities. So, if the breast is sore, you may need to reduce your caffeine intake.
5. Drug side effectsPain in the breast can also be caused by side effects caused by drugs. Some drugs have adverse effects on the production of the hormone estrogen in your body. Though this hormone is important for the function of the breast in order to stay well. If you feel pain in the breast, try to check the drugs that you are taking when it does have side effects.
6. CystsDo you feel there is a lump in the breast? If the lump is accompanied by pain, you may need to perform further tests. Because it could be a cyst that causes sore breasts. The danger again, cysts can also develop into cancer, it must be treated as soon as possible.
Well, let's identify what the cause of your breast pain. Not to be overlooked.

Breast is one part of a woman's body that must be considered health. At least there are six causes of breast pain. Anything?
1. Hormonal ImbalanceBreast pain occurs due to hormonal changes or imbalances in the body. Menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause are a common cause hormonal changes in women. Generally, breast pain can be caused by reduced estrogen in a woman's body.
2. Bra too tightWearing a bra is too tight can also cause pain in the breast. Due to a tight bra breast does not give space to breathe. Or it could be the problem occurs in women whose breasts are growing and it is not mengahuinya.
3. Do not use a bra during exerciseSome women prefer to not use a bra when at home, as well as during exercise at home. Yet this is the wrong way to exercise. Because without a bra, there is nothing to support the breasts when you do a variety of movements and it could be the cause of breast pain.
4. Caffeine excessAccording to reports Boldsky, caffeine addict women tend to feel pain in the breast. Because, basically, caffeine is not good for health, especially consumed in large quantities. So, if the breast is sore, you may need to reduce your caffeine intake.
5. Drug side effectsPain in the breast can also be caused by side effects caused by drugs. Some drugs have adverse effects on the production of the hormone estrogen in your body. Though this hormone is important for the function of the breast in order to stay well. If you feel pain in the breast, try to check the drugs that you are taking when it does have side effects.
6. CystsDo you feel there is a lump in the breast? If the lump is accompanied by pain, you may need to perform further tests. Because it could be a cyst that causes sore breasts. The danger again, cysts can also develop into cancer, it must be treated as soon as possible.
Well, let's identify what the cause of your breast pain. Not to be overlooked.
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