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Diet Tips In Ramadhan

- 4:32 AM

Fasting is useful done to allow the organs to rest. When fasting the digestive system did break so that the body can carry out the cleaning of accumulated toxins from undigested food. Besides fasting beneficial for lowering cholesterol, losing weight, lowering blood pressure and preventing other disorders in the body. For that we need to know how to run fast is good for the body.

The following tips we provide to you who are running the program diet during fasting in Ramadan.

You can adjust your eating schedule during Ramadan. Time your meal can be divided into three meals. Schedule your day outside like the month of Ramadan. You can likens that the meal is eaten in the morning when fasting starts, Iftar is the evening snack and running after the afternoon prayer is dinner. This can help your digestion so do not be surprised by food intake, eating in a hurry at the time of breaking will menggagu your digestive health.
Include foods rich in fiber complex carbohydrates, such as those found in grains, for example, whole wheat bread, brown rice, beans, fruits and vegetables. Foods with complex carbohydrates such as brown rice other than long digested fiber content is also very appropriate if there is the menu of your dawn. With dietary fiber contained in complex carbohydrates membantumeningkatkan good blood glucose levels and help maintain stability. Fasting during the day can also increase the levels of stomach acid and cause pain or discomfort. Foods with high fiber for dinner may help neutralize the acid and relieve the pain.
During Ramadan iftar by consuming sweet as compote is a tradition that is inherent in Indonesian society. Yet for those of you who have diabetes will interfere with health in addition to the normal food and drinks that are too sweet it will raise blood sugar levels quickly. So Even if you have the habit of consuming sweet, select the natural sweetness contained in fruits such as dates or other fruit juices with added sugar a little. Snack with excessive sweet taste when breaking makes you lose your appetite or even postpone it when the metabolic processes in the body requires some other nutrients that can be found on the dinner menu.
When the month of Ramadan fried snack greatly favored by the people of Indonesia. In fact, too much oil in your diet can lead to several diseases in your body. Vary your diet with boiled, baked or sauteed with a little oil.
Eat slowly and chew food well. Because you have not eaten all day, so the tendency to want to eat in large quantities and with fast food. Remember that it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell the brain to eat small meals in advance.
Walking at night for at least 30 minutes is ideal routine. The walk will not only help your metabolism, but also help keep your mind clear. However, if you've eaten a big meal, blood needs to be moved to your digestive system rather than your muscles, so the fast road immediately after a heavy meal is not a good idea. Wait 1-2 hours after eating before doing any strenuous activity.

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