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How to Treat Acne With Natural Plant

- 2:48 PM
Sometimes people feel insecure if in the face covered with acne , even sometimes Acne in push until eventually bleed. It actually will increase the growth of acne on the face. But do not worry !!! there are still ways pengobatanya with
grown - natural vegetation.

Acne can be caused by several things :
  1. Eating foods that contain excess fat
  2. Lack of sleep or lack of rest
  3. Because dust or sunlight
  4. and also because the mind terlalau depressed (Longing)

Symptoms Acne usually are small bumps on the face of painful and sometimes itchy and painful.

How To Acne Treatment On The Face :

Prepare material in advance terlaebih like:
  1. Rice flour 1 \ 4 Liter
  2. Starch bengkoang
  3. kencur 1 \ 4 Ons, 1 teaspoon fenugreek
  4. Betel nut 2 seeds, fennel 1 teaspoon
  5. Wood mesui or cinnamon 1 \ 4 Ons

Processing way material is :

  1. Mesui wood, cinnamon, fennel seed nut, kencur, fenugreek, dried by the above disangan skillet, then milled into teupung
  2. Bongkoang flour and rice flour mixed into one
  3. Results of yam flour mixture and mix well with the rice flour seasoning results (2) so that it will produce flour, ready for use as a drug

How to use :
Take The meal is about - about 2 teaspoons then mix with water as much as 3 teaspoons, then apply to the surface of the face before going to bed. Do this several times and the face will recover from Acne that appears radiant face.

Hopefully bermaanfaat for the companions.
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