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Natural Ways to Eliminate Lice Hair

- 11:22 PM

Got lice in the hair? For 2015, you still have a problem like this? If you are experiencing this, you should read this article, we give the title to remove lice in a natural way.
Head lice are common animals grew in the hair of the head and will suck blood. In addition, if the lice have been widely and uncontrolled would be very disturbing. Usually ticks commonly found in children, but make no mistake there are many adults affected by lice, is due to not keeping the hair.
So how do I cope with lice? Calm down, this time we will provide information you can try using natural materials, because using natural ingredients will not make the hair or the scalp becomes damaged. Immediately, yes ..
Natural Ways to Eliminate Lice HairIllustration liceGetting Rid of Fleas With Natural HairPresence of lice is very annoying, because it will make us feel itching and hair lice can also suck blood. Danger, right? Maa than that this is the way to eliminate head lice naturally to her eggs. Therefore, it's useless if you eradicate the parent, but the eggs remain attached, because these eggs will eventually hatch and produce a new infestation. See also: This is the fourth cause of Lice Hair
Using a comb meetingHow to eliminate lice comb hair with a meeting is one of the most effective ways. Because in this way will not make your hair or your head become damaged, in addition to using the comb tightly attached eggs will also be easy to be lowered, but use a comb were really tight. Guaranteed lice you will be lost.
Shampooing regularlyWe know that the presence of lice due to lazy to care for hair hygiene, and finally the fleas are very roomy for breeding. Then Wash your hair regularly is 2 days, and after shampooing with a shampoo, lice will be drunk then you can continue to use the comb meeting. Also do not mengkeramas excessive hair in a way quite 2 days and do not be too menggonta replace the shampoo, it will damage your hair. Head lice are not lost, even your hair is damaged. Read also: Tips Powerful !! Getting Rid of Dandruff Naturally
Use eucalyptus oilHow to remove the blood-sucking parasites of animals or lice is a natural way can also use eucalyptus oil. You do this by adding eucalyptus oil (enough 4 tablespoons) and coupled with lime juice, and apply on the hair and let sit for 2 hours, then rinse using a shampoo.
Using coconut oilTips subsequently eliminating lice is by using coconut oil, with a massage in the head and smeared surface to the base until the end of the hair, then cover with a towel and let stand approximately 6 hours. See also: Coconut Fruit for Health Benefits
That's the natural ingredients of our environment, and you can do in the way of eliminating lice and without any side effects, will be harmful to the hair and head.
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