When he heard of ozone therapy, you may still very foreign to the ear. This therapy is still not long ago was known by many people. Before discussing further, the better you know in advance what it is ozone. Ozone is a component of air that are made naturally.
Ozone is created by the reaction of the ultraviolet rays from the sun with the top layer of the earth's atmosphere. By doing so the reaction will create a protective layer on the earth that we usually refer to as the ozone layer. If there is no ozone layer, the earth creature might be overheated by the sun is not berpenghalang.
Ozone Therapy To Cure Diseases
Illustration ozone therapy device © medicalexpo.com
History of Ozone Therapy
After learning about what is ozone. Now we will discuss the history of ozone therapy. This therapy was first discovered in 1785 by Dutch physicist Martinus Van named Marun. He found a strange odor coming from the machine elektostastik. Subsequently in 1840, Cristian Fredick a chemist from Germany began to synthesize the odor. In 1857 an expert named Werner Von can create ozone by using dielectric barieir discharger. This method will produce the two oxygen atoms, and naturally will unite to make the ozone layer.
Ozone Therapy For Treatment
Then how ozone therapy for the treatment function. Now there are many clinics that use this therapy to treat various diseases tiger. For treatment, the ozone generator using the tool ozonen. This machine will process the oxygen into ozone. Some scientists claim that this body actually needs more oxygen. But when we are sick, sometimes oxygen production to be down. therefore, by using this therapy will make more oxygen into the body. There are already several diseases that can be cured with this therapy. For example anemia, tuberkolisis, kidney, asthma, insomnia and many more. Read also: Causes of Insomnia and How to heal
Ozone Therapy For Beauty
After discussing the ozone therapy for the treatment of disease. Then if there are benefits of this therapy for beauty? By using this therapy, will make skin cells regenerate more quickly. Indirectly oxygen produced from this therapy will work as an anti-aging. When someone is in the age of 30 years and above, the function of cells and organs in the body will decrease. This is commonly referred to as premature aging. But if the cells and organs in the patient properly. will continue to work with the maximum. Therefore by doing this therapy, will make the cells in the body to work well. oxygen can enter the well, and will make you become more youthful. Read also: Tips To Make Up Natural Natural Beauty
How it Works Ozone Therapy
Now we will discuss about the workings of ozone therapy. This therapy is a technology that includes ozone and oxygen to the cells of the body using a special tool. Ozone is a gas-shaped and has a very pungent odor. Ozone is used for this therapy, is very effective at killing fungi, bacteria and viruses. When doing this therapy, should not be arbitrary. The dose given should also be appropriate. Ozone has a pungent odor, if inhaled by the lungs will become acidic and harmful to the lungs. Therefore, when doing this therapy, should use special tools.
Ozone therapy is indeed a very good breakthrough. But in penggunaaannya should do proper supervision. Ozone is a gas and the smell was overpowering. Although the ozone contained in the oxygen content of a good for the body. But if the excess will also harm your own body. therefore, when you want to do this therapy, it should be done in the clinic certified.