These days the world of beauty is a trend with the name embroidered lips. Sulam lip is a process conducted with the aim of forming the lip so much better shape. A lot of women, even there are also some men who are willing to spend money not only to do a bit of embroidery lips.
Because it is by doing embroidery, your lips will be formed so that the prettier, sexier and more sensual. Of course everyone wants a perfect lip shape as it is, and therefore a lot of women who do embroidery lips.
In doing embroidery lips you have to consider several things to avoid things that are not desirable. These things include:
Sulam Lips, New Ways Redden Lips!
Illustration of red lips with embroidered lips ©
Think carefully about why you should embroider your lips
If indeed it is required then you have to remember that this embroidery is semi-permanent lip which will last up to a period of 3 to year. So if you do not really need it is better not to do embroidery lips. Read also: Tips To Make Up Natural Natural Beauty
Select salon or clinic that high credibility
Look for a salon or clinic that good, reliable and high quality. Do not be tempted by low prices, because that's not necessarily quality. See also: How to redden lips Naturally Within 1 Week Only
Before doing embroidery lips you have to prepare mentally and strengthen the liver. Because in the process of stitching lips will cause pain. So for those of you who have never done embroidery lips should be mentally prepared well.
Once you think of baked by considering some of the above, you also need to know the advantages and disadvantages of this lip embroidery. The first one we will discuss advantages. Excess stitch lips are:
Embroidery technique performed in the lips is by applying a variety of specific ingredients that will make rosy lip color becomes natural so without using any lipstick your lips will still look fresh and beautifully colored.
Other techniques in embroideries lips will be able to deal with less than perfect lip shape. By smoothing lip lines naturally will create the shape of your lips as you wish.
Processes in embroidered lips
1. Cleaning lip
Embroidered lips will certainly be cleaned first. By using water and special cleaning fluid your lips will be cleaned gently using a cotton swab or tissue.
2. basting cream
The second process is the lips will spread with a special cream that will be useful to make the lips become immune and numb. Application of creams is usually at first let stand for 15 minutes.
3. embroidered using a pen
At this stage pesulam will form the outer rim first. Shape of the lips, small or large thin thick will be adjusted to your liking.
4. Provision color
Next is the process of giving color to the lips. In this process you will be given lip color by using a pen containing lily pollen.
5. Provision of scar cream
The last stage in embroidered lips or finishing stage this is by applying scar cream that will make your lips always sparkling like if you wear lip gloss.
Well that was the review of the understanding, the advantages and processes in embroidery lips. As for the cost of doing embroidery lip is very varied. Variant price or cost is hung with embroidered lips salon or clinic you visit. There is a salon or kllinik that only fix the price of Rp. 1,500,000 alone. There is also a set price of Rp. 3,000,000 to Rp. 5,000,000. There is even a famous salon and clinics that fix the price of Rp. 9,000,000 just to do the embroidery lips.