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Turned Out to Breakfast With Fruits Healthier

- 2:42 AM
The dense bustle, makes a lot of people overlook the importance of breakfast. In fact, breakfast is required in preparation for energy and brain activity. In fact, it is advisable to eat breakfast with a full intake, including complete with fruits.

Generally, the last meal before breakfast was dinner, which consumed about 11 hours before breakfast. Unfortunately, the energy reserves that can be quickly converted only last about 10 hours. This means, if a skip breakfast, your body will you lack energy. Breakfast was better, not just satiety. But, also by taking full menu that contains carbohydrates, protein, fats, vegetables, fluids, vitamins and minerals, as well as fruits. This is important, so that the energy that the body needs are met.

According to clinical nutrition specialist Dr. FKUI dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MSc. MS. Sp.GK, breakfast can improve thinking ability and concentration. Each person needs a different amount of calories, so eat as needed. Consumption of oatmeal, fruit, and yogurt can be a healthy breakfast option. Unfortunately, not a few people who think eating fruits in the morning makes a stomachache. In fact, the fruit actually maintain digestive health and can make full longer, he said when met in the Start Your Day with Zespri Kiwifruit in Jakarta (4/6 2015).

Therefore, regular consumption of fruit every day was very good, especially for those who are in a weight loss program. Directive Balanced Nutrition, Health Law No. 36.2009, in a day is recommended to consume 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit.

Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. In addition to a healthier body, consumption of fruits and vegetables also make the skin healthy and youthful, because the content of anti-oxidant, said dr. Fiastuti.

He also added that there are no specific rules in eating the fruit, above all tailored to the needs. For children who are in difficult times to eat, great food consumption should first and covered with fruit. However, for those who are running a weight loss program, the better the consumption of fruit first, then continued with a great meal. Because the fruit will be filling, so you will avoid eating a large meal in large quantities.

Source: doktersehat.com
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every breakfast, i'm never eat any fruits :(


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