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Understanding and Prevention of Osteoporosis A Right

- 9:02 PM
Did you know according to the research data the Ministry of Health (MOH) in 2006 showed that 1 in 5 people Indonesia susceptible to osteoporosis and many who do not know. It will be known if examined in the lab, and most parents do not do it because it considers pain in the bones are common.

And do you know it turns osteoporosis can be prevented early on so that the risk of osteoporosis is old chairman will be reduced and even not the case. For that we will give an explanation about the understanding and prevention of osteoporosis it to become more apparent. Please observe some explanation below:

Understanding and Prevention of Osteoporosis A Right
Illustration prevention of osteoporosis with exercise © Shutterstock
Understanding osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that can affect anyone. The increasing human lifespan, the greater the risk of developing osteoporosis. So it is advisable to you to understand the true understanding and prevention of osteoporosis which will be discussed in this article. The first one we will discuss is the understanding of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease whose symptoms are loss of quality and a decline in the quality of bone mass. The symptoms are certainly lead to your bones become brittle and vulnerable to fractures. See also: Intake of Milk Soy Protein Supplement for Pregnant Women

Prevention of osteoporosis

Therefore, before it happens to you should you take action to prevent osteoporosis so that you can overcome the disease early. Because if you take care of your bones early on then the risk of osteoporosis will be overcome and even you will be spared from the bone disease. Read also: The Importance of Role of Calcium in Children and Youth


In the article the understanding and prevention of osteoporosis is the second one we will discuss is how to prevent osteoporosis. And how to prevent disease osteoporosis there are several ways, namely:

Increase consumption of foods that contain lots of calcium to meet the needs of calcium in your body, such as milk, broccoli, spinach, types of seafood and a variety of other foods that contain high kalisum.
Because obesity is also very instrumental in causing osteoporosis then you should always perform a check of your weight so that your weight is always controlled so avoid obesity that can lead to osteoporosis.
Do not underestimate bone pain. If you often experience bone pain without cause then you need to be a little more vigilant. When experiencing bone pain, you should consult a doctor.
Although obesity is caused osteoporosis, but that does not mean you have to perform excessive dieting. By doing extreme diet you will lose some important nutrients in the body, including calcium.
In the above understanding and prevention of osteoporosis Osteoporosis explained that more often affects women who had menopause, so for menopausal women should increase consumption of calcium supplements to add nutrients to the body's calcium.

Well that was a summary of the understanding and prevention of osteoporosis are already supposed to know, especially for those who've often experience joint pain and for those of you who have menopause. The fifth way to prevent osteoporosis is you have to understand carefully so that you can apply it in everyday life. With apply it to everyday life then you will avoid bone disease osteoporosis.

Once you read about the understanding and prevention of osteoporosis in on you certainly came to understand the causes of and ways to prevent bone disease this one so if you have a risk of developing osteoporosis you should apply the above preventive measures as soon as possible so that osteoporosis can be prevented as early as possible. Because if it gets too late to prevent it will be difficult to overcome them, and penyakitpun more difficult to cure.

So in understanding and prevention of osteoporosis before it can be concluded that the most important thing you should do is you should apply a healthy lifestyle if you want to always avoid the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, you also must be diligent exercise. By exercising, the movements of exercise you do will make your body always trained and made every joint in your body become more healthy.
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