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Brush Your Teeth Are Really Protected from Stools?

- 3:38 PM
Perhaps you've heard that the toothbrush is placed in the bathroom can be exposed by bacteria that does not want. It turns out that statement is not just a mere suction, because a recent study conducted by the American Society for Microbiology reveals the fact that the bacteria fecal coliforms are found in 60 percent of the toothbrush and this could negatively impact your health.
Fecal coliforms are rod-shaped bacteria found in human feces and can be attached to the toothbrush through the air when flushing / cleaning the toilet.
Other microorganisms that could potentially stick in the toothbrush including pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella causes typhoid fever and fever parathyphoid, Campylobacter causes kampilobakteriosis, gastrointestinal infections are usually characterized by diarrhea, cramping pain and fever, and E. Coli that cause urinary tract infections and gastroenteritis.
The study, conducted by researchers from Quinnipiac University in Connecticut examined the toothbrush students who shared a bathroom at least nine people. In the research found that 60 percent of the toothbrush that there had been contaminated by bacteria from feces. Worse, 80 percent of the feces / droppings belongs to someone else.
As reported by the Huffington Post, a graduate student at Quinnipiac named Laura Amber said, "What is worrying is not the contamination of feces itself on the toothbrush, but if the toothbrush is contaminated by the feces of others, which contain bacteria, viruses, or parasites."
The study found that the cleaning brush your teeth with mouthwash, hot / cold water, or covering it with a protective cap is not an effective way to stop the growth of bacteria.
"Using a toothbrush cover does not necessarily protect the toothbrush of bacterial growth, it creates an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply because of the cover makes bristle toothbrush becomes moist and hard dry after use," he continued.
In order to reduce the amount of bacterial contamination, the American Dental Association recommends:
  • do not share toothbrushes with other people
  • rinse your toothbrush before and after use
  • keep a toothbrush in a position facing upwards
  • avoid using a toothbrush cover, as it will create moist conditions and facilitate the bacteria multiply
  • at least, replace your toothbrush every three or four months.
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