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Characteristics of Heart Disease and Heart Disease Drugs

- 4:19 PM
The heart is one of the vital organs in the body. The heart is able to pump blood throughout the body. Heart disease is also one of many killer diseases in the world. Heart disease can affect both men and women, for that you have to know the characteristics and symptoms of heart disease that can be prevented or dibatai early. Recognize early symptoms and characteristics of heart disease is early treatment attempts to save themselves and those closest to you.

Here are the traits of heart disease:1. Chest PainChest pain is one of the characteristics of a heart disease. However, not all chest pain is the beginning of heart disease, but because the symptoms of other diseases such as blockage in the arteries.2. HeadachesHeadaches can also be one indication of a heart disease. If someone headaches exposed to a beam of light, usually they have heart problems. So it can affect the heart rate can be faster or vice versa.3. FatigueIf you feel tired, but you do not perform the activity then you should have to immediately perikssa to the doctor, because it could be you have problems with your heart.4. Exit SweatWhen you move or sport is very reasonable if you sweat. However, if you sweat while not move then you should be wary because it could be a trait you have problems with your heart.
 5. Nausea
People who have heart disease early symptoms usually begins with swelling in the abdomen so that the person will feel nausea and no appetite.
6. Anxiety
Excessive anxiety can cause a heart disease.
7. Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath occurs because blood vessels that impedes the flow of blood throughout the body. So can lead to irregular heartbeat, heart valve abnormalities and thickening of the heart muscle.
8. Swelling
Swelling can occur when the accumulation of fluid in the body. It also may be one indication of a person having disorders of the heart.

In addition to the symptoms of heart disease there are several causes of heart disease include:

- Foods that contain high cholesterol
- Lack of exercise
- Smoking
- Lack of rest
- High Stress
- High blood pressure
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Heredity

Species of medicinal plants natural heart disease, among others:

Red Fruit
How to: Drinking red fruit oil a day on a regular basis.
How to: Blender melon using 50 cc of water. Then minnum melon juice 2 times a day on a regular basis in the morning and afternoon.
Watermelon Fruit
How to: Prepare 200 grams of watermelon then blend using 50 cc of water. Drink 2 to 3 cups per day.
How to: Make garlic juice then add honey to taste. Laluu drink 2 times a day every morning and evening.
Green Beans
How to: Boil green beans with 3 cups of water and allow it to 3/4. Then eat regularly three times a day.
Sugarcane root Black
How to: Boil 30 grams of black cane roots for about 10 minutes. Then allow the roots to settle down after that drink 3 times a day.
In addition you can also create potions using the following materials:
- 15 grams of ginger
- 50 grams of banana peel
- 20 grams of sugar cubes
Rinse all the ingredients, then boil all the ingredients with 600 ml of boiling water wait until the remaining half. Strain and drink 2 times a day regularly.
Well, besides that people with heart disease should also avoid some of the restrictions include:

1. Foods containing cholesterol such as shrimp, squid, crab, cow brain, fatty meats, goat meat, internal organs of animals, eel, duck, cow's milk, egg yolk, chicken skin, chicken meat packaged processed foods.

2. Food containing trigleserin such as milk, cooking oil and margarine.

3. Foods containing sugar such as alcoholic drinks alcohol, Tepe and durian.
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