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Efficacy and Benefit Paprika For Body Health

- 3:54 PM
Paprika is one of the vegetables that have a lot of variety of colors including purple, yellow, red, orange, green, brown and black. When it comes to taste, as included in the family of chili, then we can enjoy the taste sensations of spicy paprika. Behind color varied, unique shape and taste spicy, paprika turns out to have health benefits that are good for you know. Here we summarize some of the benefits of the page healthbenefitstimes.com peppers for the health of our bodies.

1. As Antioxidants

Scientific studies have helped to examine the existing carotenoid content in peppers. And the result is that peppers contain large amounts. Besides peppers are also rich in vitamin C. The content contained in peppers that deserves our attention, among others:

  1.      carotenoids
  2.      flavonoid
  3.      hydroxycinnamic acid
  4.      cinnamic acid
  5.      luteolin
  6.      alpha-carotene
  7.      quercetin
  8.      beta-carotene
  9.      lutein
  10.      zeaxanthin
  11.      hesperidin
  12.      ferulic acid 
 2. Potential to Prevent Cancer

Like the other vegetables that are rich in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients, then the peppers can also be to prevent and fight cancer.

3. Prevent Heart Disease

Peppers can help eliminate inflammation in the arteries that lead to heart disease, diabetes issues and high cholesterol levels.

4. Burn Fat

Peppers can increase metabolism and fat burning process with thermogenesis, according to the surveys that have been documented in "The Journal of Biological Chemistry." Paprika consisting of capsaicin, the chemical that makes chili is very hot and melt calories in our body.

5. As Skin Protection

Paprika other benefit is to protect the skin from the negative effects of UV rays.

6. Prevent Inflammation

His ability as an anti-inflammatory, making very good peppers to prevent inflammation.

7. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Peppers are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B6, and choline as well as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium and therefore is a source of dietary fiber that is very good.

8. For Healthy Lungs

9. For Eye Health

Well that was the benefits of peppers are very good for our health. Hopefully this article useful for all of us, and do not forget to share with your friends yes. May we always stay healthy by eating healthy foods.
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