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Home Benefits Diabetes Treatment Plant with onion Diamond

- 10:50 PM

Andre Fillophy 7 months ago Benefits of Plants, Treatment
Diabetes is a dangerous disease that is threatening the human life. Various ways have been done people to cure this disease, from consuming drugs expensive to do therapy. Diabetes can be regarded as the root of various diseases as diabetes if not addressed can lead to complications of diabetes itself. Most diabetes due to heredity and diet is wrong. The number of diabetics is increasing every day of it.
Preventing is better than cure, as well as with this diabetes disease. If you've done a variety of ways but still does not work, one way that you can use is to use herbal medicine, namely Onions Diamond or so-called onion dayak. Onions came from Borneo and has been shown to overcome the disease its Diabetes and other diseases.
Treatment of Diabetes with onion DiamondPicture: bawangberlian.comTraditional medicine Onions DiamondsCurrently Onions Belian also easily be found everywhere, a lot of sales this onion. And is usually processed in the form of extracts such as mangosteen peel extract on the market. Medicinal herbs onions or onion dayak diamond is also the price is not too expensive making it suitable for all ages.
As for those of you who want to cultivate onions diamond itself for the treatment of diabetes also can be done at home, how?This onion processing way is quite easy, in the following way:

Thinly slice the onion diamonds per piece
Then, the onions Drying in the sun to dry
Boiled onions that have been dried sufficiently by as much as 4 cups water to boiling
Strain into a glass, and water onion diamond ready to be served
Presentation of diamond onions can also be served cold, you just enter the cooking water diamond onions are cooked into the refrigerator. Drink twice a day to get the best results.
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