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How to Cope With Utilizing Betel leaf Whitish

- 10:51 PM

Andre Fillophy 8 months ago Dr OZ Indonesia, Plant Benefits, Medical, VideoWomen's reproductive health problems is identical with the problem of whiteness. how not, almost every woman has vaginal discharge. Can be normal vaginal discharge or vaginal discharge is not normal. You certainly need to know what it is whitish in the health field.
Is a form of liquid whitish discharge that is not blood from female genital organs namely excessive vagina. You should be able to distinguish what you have experienced vaginal discharge, if discharge is watery shape, clear or colorless, in small amounts, does not smell and does not cause pain, vaginal discharge is still characterized by normal vaginal discharge caused naturally by the cervix.

However, if the exit is a viscous fluid, white / green / yellow, in large quantities, with odor, itching and painful, you have to perform further tests to avoid infertility. In addition to the checks to the doctor, there are ways to overcome whitish utilizing betel leaf.
How to Overcome Whitish
How to Cope With Utilizing Betel leaf WhitishIllustration of how to overcome white with betel leaf (images of wellsphere.com)Since ancient times people have trusted Java efficacy of betel leaf. Betel leaves are often used by older people, especially women who have advanced to menginang. The purpose of menginang is to clean teeth and strengthen teeth. Plant betel vine types, including plants that can grow in any height. It consists of betel leaf betel leaf green, red and black. However, commonly used for herbal ingredients are green and red betel leaf. Betel leaf has properties that are many, one of which is a treat vaginal discharge in women. For those of you who are experiencing, need to be listened to cope by using betel leaves whitish below.
How to Cope With Utilizing Betel leaf WhitishHow to overcome white by utilizing a betel leaf is a practical way and easy to do. You can use red betel leaf betel leaf or green. Boil 7 to 10 betel leaves in 1 liter of water. Boil until the cooking water change color. After boiling, remove betel leaves and wait for it to cool first. Then after a bit cold rinse your female organs using the betel cooking water. Do it regularly in order to get the maximum.
How to Cope With Utilizing Betel leaf WhitishIllustration overcome white with betel leaf © ShutterstockThe content of the betel leaves is believed to overcome the problem of vaginal discharge in women. Already many soap products womanhood use betel leaves as the main ingredient. That is because the many benefits found in betel leaf content. Betel contain essential oils, seskuitterpen, starch, diatase, sugar and tannic substances and kavikol that are antiseptic that can kill bacteria fungi as well as antioxidants in the body.
In addition to practicing how to overcome white by utilizing a betel leaf, you also have to maintain the cleanliness of your female organs. Keep your female organs are always clean and dry. If you use a special soap for female organs, use a soap that has a Ph balanced and in accordance with Ph female organs. Also avoid the use of underwear made from semi plastic and too tight. You also have to control your emotions and avoid excessive stress. If you are menstruating, often was changing bandages, because the bandage is a medium for fungus or bacteria to grow rapidly if it is in a moist state.
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