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It's ironic, Technology Creation State Children's Cancer Busters Not Recognized in Indonesia fact recognized in Japan!

- 9:43 PM
Cancer is the number one killer disease in the world. All the scientists of the world are still looking for ways how to treat this disease. Yet another case with Warsito P. Taruno. He managed to create a healing tool of cancer (especially breast cancer) by combining low-energy technology with cancer therapy technology.

The invention also occur indirectly, and in a state of urgency. Due to the sister in the doctor's verdict stage 4 breast cancer, doctors who deal has also raised their hands and according Warsito there are only two options, namely seeking alternative treatment for cancer cure her brother until his death or resignation.

It's ironic, Technology Creation State Children's Cancer Busters Not Recognized in Indonesia fact recognized in Japan!
Illustration cancer
Warsito choose to seek alternative ways to cure the cancer and emerged was the idea of ​​combining the two technologies. Armed with his experience Lectures in Japan and has conducted research in the United States and the latter being a lecturer of Medical Physics at the University of Indonesia. Warsito also managed to make a tool to cure breast cancer stage 4 in the suffering of his brother.

Created tools were not arbitrary, has been through the pilot phase and the calculation that produced great results. His brother is now already in clinical trials and clinical trials stated Warsito brother's body had been cleared of cancer.

After the news circulated Warsito much visited various patients on average are also suffering from the disease and want to be cured by means of the creation Warsito. But all was hampered by government regulatory system that does not allow the appliance to circulated officially in Indonesia although the tool has been proven to cure many patients.

According to the data we collect from lifestyle.bisnis.com states that:
 No fewer than 10,000 people have been using the technology creation Warsito with details of 50% of patients suffering from breast cancer, and other cancers of the brain.
As many as 70% of patients convicted could not be helped medically, 25% do not want medical, and 5% were not treated medically.
As a result, 80% of users of technology findings can live a normal life even said to heal medicine.
It's ironic, Technology Creation State Children's Cancer Busters Not Recognized in Indonesia fact recognized in Japan!
Warsito P.Taruno (inventor of the cancer-fighting technology) © techlabs.com
To cover the cost of research and experimentation fairly costly, Warsito finally offers the tools to Japan, and not in the tool thought accepted and even popular in Japan. Japan is now regularly ordered homemade core technology for then packaged and marketed to other countries.

And many foreign investors are getting interested to cooperate with Warsito to inflate the cancer cure technology from China, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Poland, and Sri Lanka has sent oncologist, a sub-field of medical study and treat cancer, for training using artificial technology in his laboratory. You can imagine it not? how good is the technology?

But that was the Indonesian government regulatory system, still less respect and even do not trust the technology that created the child in their own country. Hopefully with this article can open the eyes of the parties concerned that such technology could spread throughout Indonesia and even the world so that we are not afraid with the name of this cancer. Please share this article if you want to participate deemed advancing medical technology in Indonesia.
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