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Let's get the benefits of this healthy 9 with fasting!

- 2:04 PM
Yuk, dapatkan 9 manfaat sehat ini dengan berpuasa! 

Fasting is obligatory pillars of Islam which is run by the people. Not only increase levels of faith, but according to some medical studies fasting was also beneficial to the overall health of your body.

Reporting from lifehack, these health benefits you can get from fasting.

Lose weight

Fasting is a safe way to lose weight because the body will have the ability to burn fat cells more effectively than a regular diet,

Improve insulin sensitivity
Fasting has been shown to have positive effects on insulin sensitivity that makes the body better tolerate carbohydrates.

speed up metabolism
Fasting gives your digestive system time to rest and then make your digestive system work more efficiently. Food metabolism and fat burning will run faster. Bowel function was also more leverage.

extend life
Believe it or not, fasting was able to extend the life of your. One reason is because fasting will speed up your metabolism so you'll be cushioned from premature aging. Besides the less you eat, the exposure to toxins in the body that makes the old fast would be reduced.

Improve your diet

Fasting can be a healthy therapy for those who have a poor diet. Because fasting will make you think about what food you consume and because fasting has regular meal hours, then this will have a positive impact on your diet.
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